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Analysis of association between two variables using SPSS

The dataset contains categorical data from a dating survey. Using SPSS, I created two crosstabs: one with a regular table and one with percentages and a clustered bar chart. These were based on the variables Length of Relationship and Relational Satisfaction.

According to the table, about 50% of the respondents reported high and low relational satisfaction. Additionally, almost 49% of the participants reported a short relationship length, whereas 20% and 30% reported medium and long relationship lengths respectively.

The highest percentage of relational satisfaction was observed among those who had a short relationship length and low relational satisfaction, which was approximately 27%. This finding was also supported by the cluster bar graph.


Bar Chart

From the above analysis, it can be deduced that the most unsatisfied respondents had the shortest relationship. The survey also highlighted that people do not tend to stay in an unsatisfied relationship. However, it was found that 13.9% of respondents continued to stay in the relationship despite having low relational satisfaction.

To gain a better understanding of the relationship dynamics, it might be useful to compare the length of the relationship with another variable such as willingness to accommodate a partner or the amount of conflict. A crosstabulation of the selected variable with the length of the relationship should be produced with a graph to support the findings. The results of this analysis should be described in a paragraph or two, highlighting the interesting findings from the table.

The table indicates that the percentage of low conflict is 52.9%, while high conflict is 49.1%. It is worth noting that the difference between low and high conflict is only about 5 percentage points.

In terms of relational satisfaction, the highest percentage is found in the category of low relational satisfaction and short length of relationship, with about 27%. This finding is supported by the cluster bar graph.

Based on the above analysis, it appears that couples who are the most unsatisfied have the shortest relationships. This survey demonstrates that people do not tend to remain in an unsatisfactory relationship.

Bar Chart

Additionally, the table shows that the short-length relationship has the highest percentage of low conflict. One of the key takeaways from this data is that the longer the duration of a relationship, the higher the likelihood of experiencing conflict.

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